In the next chapter expect some insites for the most problematic EIS with HC(9)08. Connection: On the black 10 pin connector pin 5-ground pin 1-+12v pin 2-K-line pin 7,8-CAN Similar current as the 210 EIS. Press a finger on the 'lock' button of your key fob while the key is in the Mercedes ignition.

Check P/N status in the transmission module. Reset your Mercedes-Benz key by placing the key in the ignition of your vehicle while the vehicle is turned off. If it does not come on there could be a P/N problem, or a key verification issue. Key on it should be OFF, when the key is in the crank position, it should come ON. Even if you can (which I doubt) generate the coded RF to open/close the doors, the key is needed for the IR communication (hand-shake) within the EIS, power being supplied by the latter. The way we do this is by going into the EIS actual values and status of circuits, check Circuit 50. How to write Motorola MCU (.021 key): Flash with tools such as: Xprog-M, ETL universal, orange5, UPA etc. The Mercedes W203 EIS testing cable is a multi-option testing cable, Thanks to the switch on it, the MB W203 EIS cable enables you to read the EIS data by OBD, Read the EIS data by IR & Calculate the password for all keys lost using the fast password calculation method. Early W220(and 215) with this type of EIS dont have CGW and no mileage or VIN is stored in the EIS. You cannot successfully bypass the EIS to start the car, as it is a mixture of electronic messaging and the physical rotation of the ignition switch. How to read EIS /EZS data: Read with tools such as: ETL universal, CAS3/9S12X Programmer, IR-programmer, Xprog-M, Rosfar R260, NEC reader, MB key prog etc.